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Update VersionStamp

Each product web page downloads static script and stylesheets that do not change often. To optimize performance, it is recommended that these pages are cached for extended periods of time so that end users only need to download them once per product upgrade. After you make customizations, you can instruct the server to ensure that all web browsers download new copies of these files. To force web browsers to refresh all cached content on the next visit, run the following command to update the product version stamp. ... link to original documentation

When you want to do this manually, you can checkout the xml, change the value (with an editor or wsadmin command) and checkin again.

You will do this on a regular basis, when you customize the theme, install additional products like Ephox Editors or something similar.

Or you use following script, which will do this automatically:

path = "/tmp" # or change to "c:/temp" on Windows Systems
LCConfigService.checkOutConfig(path, AdminControl.getCell())
LCConfigService.updateConfig("versionStamp", "")
LCConfigService.checkInConfig(path, AdminControl.getCell())

Save this to a or use the one from GitHub, which will read the path from a properties file.

The command LCConfigService.updateConfig("versionStamp", "") set the actual GMT time in the format yyyyMMdd.HHmmss.

If you already downloaded and installed the community scripts from GitHub, you can open the cnxmenu and you will find it on "5 - Menu - IBM Connections Admin Tasks".